新闻发布 | Medix Biochemica 收购 ViroStat 以扩充其传染病检测用抗体原料产品线



● Medix Biochemica 收购了传染病相关体外诊断用抗体、抗原领域的全球引领企业——美国 ViroStat 公司。

Medix Biochemica has acquired the US-based ViroStat LLC, a global leader in infectious disease antibodies and antigens used by in vitro diagnostics (“IVD”) manufacturers.   


● 本次收购极大补充了 Medix Biochemica 全球领先的体外诊断原料产品线、进一步充实了科技实力,并加强了其在美国的力量。

The acquisition significantly expands Medix Biochemica’s leading portfolio of IVD raw materials, brings complementary scientific capabilities and further strengthens its local presence in the USA.  


● 本次交易有力推动和加速 Medix Biochemica 成为全球 IVD 行业首选合作伙伴这一战略愿景的实现,并加强其在传染病检测关键原料供应的市场领导地位。

The transaction accelerates Medix Biochemica’s strategic vision of becoming the first-choice partner for the IVD industry worldwide and positions the organization as a market leader in the supply of critical raw materials to combat infectious diseases.  



—— 关于收购 ——


2023年11月10日,芬兰埃斯波 – 体外诊断关键原料全球领先供应商 Medix Biochemica 全资收购了 ViroStat。通过此次并购,Medix Biochemica 得以为其合作伙伴的试剂开发提供行业领先的传染病抗体、抗原。ViroStat 的运营将继续保留在美国缅因州威斯布鲁克进行,其员工、包括总裁 Douglas McAllister 博士和总经理 Duncan McAllister、在并购后都将加入 Medix Biochemica。

10.11.2023, Espoo, Finland - Medix Biochemica, a global leader in the supply of critical raw materials to the in vitro diagnostics industry, has acquired 100 percent of the shares of ViroStat. As a result of the partnership, Medix Biochemica will be able to provide its customers with market-leading infectious disease antibodies and antigens for their IVD immunoassay test development. ViroStat operations will remain in Westbrook, Maine, and its employees – including President Dr. Douglas McAllister and General Manager Duncan McAllister – will join Medix Biochemica following the acquisition.


—— 关于ViroStat ——


ViroStat 由 Douglas McAllister 博士创立于 1985 年,是全球领先的高品质抗体和抗原生产商,其产品主要用于呼吸道传染病、性病、胃肠道疾病等病原体/毒素和食源性病原体的检测。公司以其甲流、乙流、呼吸道合胞病毒和链球菌A等高亲和力抗体在侧向层析应用中的优异表现而广为人知。公司总部及生产设施均设于缅因州威斯布鲁克。

Founded in 1985 by Dr. Douglas McAllister, ViroStat is a globally leading primary manufacturer of high-quality antibodies and antigens used for the detection of respiratory agents, STD agents, gastrointestinal agents/toxins and food borne pathogens. For example, the company is widely known for its high affinity antibodies to Influenza A, Influenza B, RSV and Strep A for use in rapid lateral flow devices. ViroStat is headquartered and has its production site in Westbrook, Maine.


—— 共同愿景 ——


 “我们热烈欢迎 ViroStat 团队整体加入 Medix Biochemica”,Medix Biochemica 首席执行官 Steve Ferguson 说,“此次与 ViroStat 的合作为 Medix Biochemica 提供了市场领先的、全面的传染病原料产品线,进一步充实了科技实力,并强化了其在全球最大的体外诊断用抗原、抗体市场的网络。ViroStat 和 Medix Biochemica 的合作有着悠久的历史,我们高度认可 Doug、Duncan、以及 ViroStat 全体成员在过去 38 年所建立的一切。我很高兴双方有着互补的产品线、相融的企业文化,期待我们一起发展、并为我们的全球客户在与传染病斗争的过程中赋能。”

“We are very excited to welcome the whole ViroStat team to Medix Biochemica,” says Steve Ferguson, CEO of Medix Biochemica. “The partnership with ViroStat provides Medix Biochemica with market-leading products for broad range of infectious diseases as well as further strengthens our scientific capabilities and network in this largest diagnostic area of IVD antibodies and antigens. There has been a long-standing business relationship between ViroStat and Medix Biochemica, and we have great respect for what Doug, Duncan and the whole ViroStat team have built over the last 38 years. I am highly excited about the portfolio and cultural fit between our teams and looking forward to jointly growing our business to enable our customers to combat infectious diseases globally”. 


ViroStat 总裁 Douglas McAllister 博士说:“与 Medix Biochemica 的合作意味着令人兴奋的互补产品线及其带来的协同效应。我们紧密跟踪传染病的发展趋势,及时针对新发传染病开展研发活动,并在全球居家检测需求即将快速增长之际,为市场提供基于快速检测平台验证的抗体配对。我们很高兴也很兴奋能加入 Medix Biochemica 大家庭,这是天作之合。”

Douglas McAllister, President of ViroStat notes that “partnering with Medix Biochemica represents an exciting synergy of complementary product portfolios. ViroStat brings validated antibody pairs especially for rapid test IVDs at a time when worldwide demand for self-testing is poised for rapid growth while our R&D activity endeavors to stay ahead of new and emerging pathogens. We are very pleased and excited to be joining the Medix Biochemica family. This is a great fit.”



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· 关于 Medix Biochemica

Medix Biochemica 集团发起于芬兰,服务于全球,是体外诊断行业领先的独立关键原料供应商。我们为全球合作伙伴开发、生产、供应高品质抗体、抗原、以及其它体外诊断用关键原料,从而使全球亿万患者得以获得更精准的体外诊断检测结果。我们的技术专长包罗万象,从免疫诊断原料,到分子诊断原料,以及生物样本,还有定制服务。基于极为宽广的IVD原料产品线,以及对业务深刻理解的团队,我们帮助合作伙伴缩短其产品上市所需时间,让其产品质量更为稳定可靠。Medix Biochemica 拥有超过 300 名专业员工,通过在中国、美国、和欧洲的本地团队,我们服务于全球客户。公司的主要股东是 DevCo 合伙公司,一个着眼长远的所有者和发展伙伴,积极致力于在精选的细分市场建立并培育全球领先的公司。


· 关于 ViroStat 

ViroStat 公司于 1985 年在美国成立,是传染病相关抗体、抗原的首选生产商,为研究人员和体外诊断企业提供相关产品。公司以高品质抗体知名,其产品的高批次一致性、稳定可靠的供应、一流的客户服务和技术支持、以及长期的伙伴关系得到了广泛认可。