新闻发布 | DevCo 宣布为 Medix Biochemica 完成战略性资本募集

DevCo 为 Medix Biochemica 完成 6.16 亿欧元长期单项资产投资安排

DevCo 为其对 Medix Biochemica 的长期投资完成了一次战略性资本募集。

DevCo has completed a strategic capital raise for its long-term investment in Medix Biochemica.

基于本次募资,DevCo 的 Medix Biochemica 专项单项资产投资平台获得了总计 6.16 亿欧元长期投资承诺。

Following the capital raise, DevCo’s single-asset investment vehicle for Medix Biochemica has total longterm commitments of 616 MEUR.

此次募资由 Council Ring Capital 领投,Council Ring Capital 是总部位于芝加哥的单一家族事务公司,主要投资于医疗保健、技术和消费领域的成长型企业。此次募资的主要投资者还包括 Security Trading (Antti Herlin家族投资公司)、基石投资者 Coller Capital,以及其他投资者。

The capital raise was led by Council Ring Capital, a Chicago-based, single-family office investing in growing businesses across the healthcare, technology, and consumer sectors. Other major investors in the capital raise included, among others, Security Trading (the investment company of Antti Herlin’s family) and cornerstone investor Coller Capital.

Medix Biochemica 是体外诊断行业全球领先的关键生物原料独立供应商,在 DevCo 成为控股股东之后的六年中发展迅速。

Medix Biochemica, a leading independent provider of critical biological raw material products for the in vitro diagnostics industry, has developed rapidly during the first six years of DevCo’s ownership.

本次募集的资金将使 Medix Biochemica 得以按照公司既定的增长战略、在积极推进有机增长的同时、进一步推动非运营性增长计划、诸如并购。

The raised capital enables Medix Biochemica to continue execution of inorganic growth initiatives alongside active organic development in accordance with the company’s growth strategy.


2024 年 9 月 3 日,芬兰赫尔辛基 —— DevCo 合伙有限公司 ("DevCo") 很高兴地宣布,其为 Medix Biochemica 专项长期单项资产投资平台组织的募资已获得总计 6.16 亿欧元的承诺。作为本次交易的一部分,约 3 亿欧元的新投资已经被注入到该投资平台中,这为 DevCo 提供了大量额外资本,以继续支持 Medix Biochemica 的长期增长战略。新资本由一批强大的投资者提供,其中包括领投投资者 Council Ring Capital、Antti Herlin (在此次募资之前,他一直是该投资平台的主要投资者)、以及基石投资者 Coller Capital、养老基金 Keva、VER 和 Elo。现有的长期投资者,如 Minerva 基金会、C. Ehrnrooth 家族、Rettig 和 Ilmarinen 等,在此次募资后将继续作为该投资平台的关键投资者。

3 September 2024, Helsinki, Finland – DevCo Partners Ltd (“DevCo”) is pleased to announce a capital raise resulting in 616 MEUR of total commitments for its long-term single asset investment vehicle for Medix Biochemica. The transaction, as part of which ca. 300 MEUR of new investments were raised to the investment vehicle, provides DevCo with significant additional capital for continued support of the long-term growth strategy of Medix Biochemica. The new capital was provided by a strong group of investors including, among others, lead investor Council Ring Capital and Antti Herlin (who has been a major anchor investor in the vehicle before the capital raise) as well as cornerstone investors Coller Capital and pension funds Keva, VER and Elo. Existing longstanding investors, such as the Minerva Foundation, the C. Ehrnrooth family, Rettig and Ilmarinen will also continue as key investors in the vehicle following the capital raise.


Medix Biochemica 总部位于芬兰,是体外诊断行业 (IVD) 全球领先的关键生物原料独立供应商。公司开发、生产并向全球 IVD 试剂制造商供应高品质的抗体、抗原及其他关键 IVD 原料,从而使全球数十亿患者得以获得精准的 IVD 检测结果。公司的专长覆盖免疫检测、临床生化、分子诊断等各个细分领域。Medix Biochemica 在全球拥有超过 250 名专业人员,并通过其在中国、欧洲、和北美的当地团队为其全球客户提供服务。

Finland-headquartered Medix Biochemica is a leading independent supplier of critical biological raw material products to the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry worldwide. The company develops, produces, and supplies high-quality antibodies, antigens, and other critical IVD raw material products to IVD test manufacturers around the world, enabling the delivery of accurate IVD tests to billions of patients worldwide. The company’s expertise covers various market segments including immunoassay, clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics. Medix Biochemica employs over 250 professionals worldwide and it serves its global customers through local teams in North America, Europe, and China.


DevCo 与前控股股东 Minerva 基金会合作,于 2018 年 2 月获得了Medix Biochemica 的多数股权,以致力于加速该公司的成长和发展。在 DevCo 成为控股股东的这头六年中,通过重大有机增长计划的实施、和在美国及欧洲进行的七次战略收购,Medix Biochemica极大地强化了其作为体外诊断行业首选原料合作伙伴的战略地位。基于这些并购和高于市场平均水平的有机增长,公司的销售额从 2017 年的两千万欧元增长到 2023 年的七千余万欧元。

DevCo partnered with the previous main owner Minerva Foundation and acquired a majority stake in Medix Biochemica in February 2018 with an aim to accelerate the growth and development of the company. During DevCo’s first six years of ownership, Medix Biochemica has significantly strengthened its strategic position as the first choice raw material partner for the in vitro diagnostics industry through execution of significant organic development initiatives and seven strategic acquisitions in the US and Europe. As a result of the acquisitions and above-market organic growth, the company’s sales have grown from 20 MEUR in 2017 to 70 MEUR in 2023. 


“DevCo 的使命是在具有长期吸引力的细分市场中持续地打造具有世界领先地位的公司。在我们成为 Medix Biochemica 控股股东的这头六年里,该公司已转变为领先的关键 IVD 原料独立供应商,拥有真正全球化的业务、全面的高品质产品线、以及庞大的全球客户群。此次募资是我们对 Medix Biochemica 长期投资的一个重要里程碑,为公司加速增长战略的下一阶段提供了充足的资源。我们感谢现有投资者在这项长期投资中给予的持续支持,并非常高兴地欢迎以 Council Ring Capital 为首的新投资者的加入。此外,我们还要感谢 Medix Biochemica 全体员工为公司雄心勃勃的增长战略所做的出色工作和坚定承诺。” Medix Biochemica 董事会副主席兼 DevCo Partners 合伙人 Teemu Alahuhta 表示。

“DevCo’s mission is to sustainably develop world-leading companies in fundamentally attractive niche markets. During the first six years of our ownership of Medix Biochemica, the company has transformed into a leading independent provider of critical IVD raw material products with truly global operations, broad highquality offering and vast global customer base. This capital raise represents a significant milestone in our long-term investment in Medix Biochemica by providing adequate resources for the next phase of the company’s accelerated growth strategy. We are grateful for the continued support of our existing investors in this long-term investment and very pleased to welcome the new investors, led by Council Ring Capital, to the investor base. In addition, we would like to thank the whole personnel of Medix Biochemica for the great work and strong commitment to the company’s ambitious growth strategy”, says Teemu Alahuhta, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Medix Biochemica and partner of DevCo Partners.


“Medix Biochemica 与 DevCo 的合作在过去六年中对公司的转型增长起到了重要作用。DevCo 团队履行了他们的所有承诺,为 Medix Biochemica 加速增长战略的执行提供了长期资本和实实在在的资源。对于 Medix Biochemica 这样追求全球市场领导地位的高质量中型公司来说,此次资本募集不仅为其持续增长投资提供了支持,还凸显了 DevCo 作为一家专注、负责且具有长期导向的增长伙伴所具有的独特定位。” Medix Biochemica 董事会主席 Ann-Christine Sundell 表示。

“Medix Biochemica’s partnership with DevCo has been instrumental in enabling the transformational growth of the company in the past six years. The DevCo team has done everything they promised and provided both long-term capital and committed hands-on resources for the execution of Medix Biochemica’s accelerated growth strategy. This capital raise not only enables continued growth investments for Medix Biochemica but also underlines DevCo’s unique positioning as a dedicated, responsible and long-term oriented growth partner for high-quality medium-sized companies aiming for global market leadership”, says Ann-Christine Sundell, Chair of the Board of Directors of Medix Biochemica.


“我们很高兴能与 DevCo 的世界级合作伙伴及投资集团一起,为 Medix Biochemica 这样卓越的企业的下一阶段增长提供支持。” Council Ring Capital 首席投资官 Chuck Murphy 表示。“通过其愿景和努力,DevCo 已将 Medix Biochemica 打造成为全球 IVD 制造商首选的原料供应商。我们期待提供在医疗保健行业的专业知识、人脉和资本,以支持 DevCo 和 Medix Biochemica。” Council Ring Capital 负责人兼医疗保健部门主管 Marc Gruenhut 补充道。

“We are delighted to help support the next phase of growth for Medix Biochemica, which is an exceptional business, alongside world-class partners at DevCo and its investor group,” says Chuck Murphy, Chief Investment Officer of Council Ring Capital. “Through its vision and efforts, DevCo has transformed Medix Biochemica into the raw material supplier of choice to the world’s IVD manufacturers. We look forward to contributing complementary healthcare expertise, network connectivity, and capital in support of DevCo and Medix Biochemica,” added Marc Gruenhut, Principal & Healthcare Sector Lead at Council Ring Capital.


“Medix Biochemica 恰好代表了我们乐于投资的那种公司,它是一个在具有韧性且不断增长的市场中的高质量参与者。此次交易凸显了 Coller Capital 在北欧二级市场和医疗保健领域的实力,我们很高兴在此次交易中与 DevCo 合作。” Coller Capital 负责人 Martin Fleischer 说到。

“Medix Biochemica represents exactly the kind of company we like to invest in, being a high-quality player in a resilient and growing market. This transaction underscores Coller Capital’s strength in the Nordic secondaries market and the healthcare sector and we are excited to partner with DevCo in this transaction”, says Martin Fleischer, principal at Coller Capital.




DevCo Partners 合伙人 Teemu Alahuhta

电话:+358 10 235 4820




DevCo 简介

DevCo 是一家具有长期导向的积极型股东和发展伙伴,致力于在选定的细分市场中打造世界领先的公司。DevCo 为其旗下公司提供实际操作资源、战略支持和财务资源,以支持其业绩实现重大提升。DevCo 目前是三家全球细分市场领导者 —— Vexve、Medix Biochemica 和 Bluefors 的重要股东。

Council Ring Capital 简介

Council Ring Capital 是一家总部位于芝加哥的单一家族事务公司,投资于医疗保健、技术和消费领域的成长型企业。该公司寻求进行长期股权投资,在此过程中,其团队利用其雄厚的资本、人脉和专长,与被投资方共同推动以取得成功。



Medix Biochemica China




