新闻发布 | Medix Biochemica收购Diaclone以扩充其单克隆抗体产品线

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• Medix Biochemica收购了Diaclone全部股份,Diaclone以其炎症、肿瘤、及免疫学等相关领域的单克隆抗体而享有盛誉。

Medix Biochemica has acquired 100 percent of the shares of Diaclone, a prominent provider of monoclonal antibodies in the areas of inflammation, oncology and immunology.

• 本次并购使Medix Biochemica全球领先的体外诊断原料产品线得到进一步扩充,并引入了互补的产品研发能力、加强了公司在西欧的力量。

The acquisition expands Medix Biochemica's leading portfolio of IVD raw materials, bringing complementary scientific and technological capabilities and strengthening the company's local presence in Western Europe.

• 通过此次并购,IVD客户将得以通过Medix Biochemica的全球销售网络轻松获取Diaclone的任意产品。

As a result of the transaction, Diaclone's product portfolio will be available through Medix Biochemica's comprehensive global sales network.

全球领先的IVD关键原料供应商Medix Biochemica从Biotech Investissement集团获得Diaclone SAS (以下简称"Diaclone")的全部股权。本次并购让Medix Biochemica全球领先的体外诊断关键原料产品线得到了进一步扩充,并引入了互补的科技能力、加强了公司在西欧的力量。Diaclone将成为Medix Biochemica集团免疫诊断试剂原料业务单元的重要组成部分,其高质量的运营将继续保留在法国贝桑松。

Medix Biochemica, a global leader in critical IVD raw materials, has acquired 100 percent of the shares of Diaclone SAS ("Diaclone") from Biotech Investissement Group. As a result of the acquisition, Medix Biochemica broadens its portfolio of critical raw materials for the in vitro diagnostics ("IVD") industry, complements its scientific expertise and strengthens its local presence in Western Europe. Diaclone will become an important part of the Immunodiagnostic Reagents Business Unit within Medix Biochemica's group structure, and its high-quality operations will continue in Besançon, France. 


Founded in 1986, Diaclone is widely recognized for its expertise in the fields of inflammation, oncology and immunology. The company offers best-in-class monoclonal antibodies, high quality ELISA and ELISpot kits as well as custom services - ranging from immunoassay kit development to new antibody discovery using hybridoma and phage display technologies - to a broad range of IVD, life science, and pharma customers. Diaclone employs a team of ca. 25 professionals in Besançon, France. 

“成为IVD行业的首选独立关键原料合作伙伴是Medix Biochemica的愿景,收购Diaclone是实现该愿景的重要一步。Diaclone的产品、包括几个作为行业金标准的抗体,非常好地补充了Medix Biochemica的产品线。我们非常期待为全球客户提供相关产品。另外,我们认为Diaclone与Medix Biochemica的战略和文化完美契合,也高度重视Diaclone的研发能力。我们期待在未来共同开发创新、高品质的产品,以更好地支持我们的客户”,Medix Biochemica首席执行官Steve Ferguson说。

"The acquisition of Diaclone is an important step towards our vision to be the first-choice, independent raw material partner for the IVD industry. The portfolio of Diaclone, including several gold standard antibodies, complements the offering of Medix Biochemica very well, and we are excited about the opportunity to offer these products to our global customer base. In addition, we see an excellent strategic and cultural fit with Medix Biochemica, and we value Diaclone’s technical and scientific competence highly. We look forward to jointly developing innovative and high-quality products to support our customers even better in the future", says Steve Ferguson, CEO of Medix Biochemica. 

“经过审慎评估,我们认为现在是为支持Diaclone进一步国际化增长而寻找新伙伴的最佳时机,我们深信Medix Biochemica以其全球服务能力,在质量和研发方面巨大的投入,以及清晰的远见,是Diaclone新伙伴的最佳选择”,Biotech Investissement集团总裁Philippe Dulieu说。

"Following careful consideration, we concluded that it is the right time to find a new partner to support Diaclone's future international growth. We are convinced that Medix Biochemica with its comprehensive reach to IVD customers globally, strong focus on quality and R&D and clear long-term vision, is the optimal new partner for Diaclone", says Philippe Dulieu, President of Biotech Investissement Group.


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关于Medix Biochemica

Medix Biochemica是IVD行业全球领先的供应商。我们的使命是让IVD合作伙伴能够为亿万患者提供精准的诊断结果。通过与Medix Biochemica合作 ,我们的客户可以缩短产品开发周期,提升效率,保障产品质量。对技术的深刻理解、对质量不懈的坚持和关注、以及超全面的相关产品线,是我们实现上述客户价值的基石。

Medix Biochemica在全球约有200人左右的专业团队,总部位于芬兰,通过在中国、欧洲、美国的团队, 我们为全球客户提供服务。


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